Loyal Order of Elbows
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to open a link the PRINTABLE version.
Unofficial BYlaws
Unofficial Bylaws of the LOE:
Here are your very most basic Printable* Bylaws, a listing of the original bylaws as drawn up by the Founding Fathers .Print them out, and carry them with you at all times, and refer to them often. Remember, while at Shep's, YOU TOO can sign up new Elbows, just by explaining these simple, but allkindsza way important bylaws. It's every Elbow's DUTY to promote Elbowdumb! Just ask the bartender for the sign-up sheet.
*Note: You will need a printer to print out the Printable Bylaws. They are unprintable without a printer. Don't have a printer? Buy a printer.
Keep a copy on your person at all times; guard them with your elbow. These are also listed in the Elbow Joint on the wall, in both bars, but when it gets busy, it might be handy to have a copy handy.
•All members are Unofficial because every order of business shall be PERMANENTLY TEMPORARY*.
•No brand sponsorship.
•Shep's On Sixth patrons only.
•No dues (been paid).
•The GE (Grand Elbow) is the only Chief.
•Only the GE can give the Double Elbow salute. (Amended by GE #6, Doc, and passed to include all past GE's as well as current.)
•The GE must pass The Hat each year, by process of suggestion. (About the last Saturday in August, or just after BIR Nationals.)
•All rules are PERMANENTLY TEMPORARY* and may change at any time with the approval of the GE.
•All Elbows must sign in to be eligible to win the prize of the day, and all prizes must sign in to be eligible to win the prize of the day, and all prizes must be claimed within one week.
•All Elbows are encouraged to give the Elbow Salute.
Added Bylaws:
-At some point, it was decided by the XGEs that rule changes may be made with the approval of the GE.
-1998: Amended by GE #8, Doc, and passed by the XGEs, to include all past GE's as well as current to be able to give the Double Elbow Salute.
-Dates listed on the GE list: Creation of 3 Honorary GEs (HGE’s); Ma Danzl, Shep, Fert.
-At some point, it was decided that spouses of GEs will not be allowed to run for GE.
From the author of this site:
-I am of relatively sound mind* and body.
-All information on this site is of my own opinion, and not necessarily based on fact.
-All persons' names contained herein have been used with their, or their heir's consent. Names omitted on certain lists are awaiting their approval for use. Or, it will read "name withheld by request".
-This site neither endorses nor promotes any commercial enterprise or brand.
-Fert, LOE #6
*Not sure about the mind part.
My LOE number: __________ Caution: There are SEVERE consequences for forgetting your LOE number! Ask for more info on this at the Elbow Joint.