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Here is an attempt to define terms and songs and salutes and other crude forms of communication amongst Fellow Elbows.


-DOUBLE ELBOW SALUTE: Lifting of BOTH elbows for an Elbow Salute (see below); can be performed ONLY by the reigning GE, or any XGE, or HGE.

-EARLY ELBOW: Any Elbow appearing on the LOE's Original Roster.

-ELBOW: A signed Elbow.  The ONLY Elbow is a signed Elbow.  See Signed Elbow.

-ELBOW BOOK: This is the ledger you sign up on when you become an Elbow. It is kept behind the bar at the Elbow Joint, and is available for use only on-premises, by any signed Elbow.

-ELBOW CONVENTION: A convention of all Elbows also open to all Elbow Wannabees, typically held on the 3rd weekend in August at the Elbow Joint.  This is when the new GE will be announced.

-ELBOWDUMB: The condition of being an Elbow.

-ELBOW GREASE: Elbow lubrication, sometimes alcoholic in nature.

-ELBOW HAT: An extremely dopey-looking hat, or helmet or hard hat, kept in the Elbow Vault at the Elbow Joint, worn on special occasions but always at the Elbow Convention by the past and new Grand Elbow.  This hat is gold and adorned with many elbows and held on with a bungee cord, since the elevated elbow is top-heavy.

-ELBOWITIS: Perhaps too much Elbow Grease.

-ELBOWIZATION: The performing and ceremony of an Elbow sign up, performed only at the Elbow Joint, by ANY other Elbow.

-ELBOW JOINT: The current headquarters of the LOE. As of 2013 it is at Shep's On Sixth in downtown Brainerd, MN.

-ELBOW PEN:  A pen used to sign the Elbow Book.  This is any pen that has an elbow.

-ELBOWPHERNALIA:  Any item of historical significance pertaining to the founding or perpetuation of the LOE.

-ELBOWVENT: Any event involving Elbows.

-ELBOW VAULT:  A sealed box containing the Elbow Hat and other precious Elbowphernania, kept at the Elbow Joint.

-ELBOW WANNABEE: Any non-Elbow who wants to be an Elbow, which of course woud be any non-Elbow on the planet.

-ELBOWOLOGY: Elbow-speak.

-ELBOWITIS: Too much Elbow Grease.

-ELBOW REST: This is where the Sign Up Sheet is kept.  There is one in both of the bars at Shep's.

-ELBOW ROOM: The north side room of the Elbow Joint.  This could also be a place that allows adequate space for Elbows to give the Elbow Salute.

-ELBOW RUB: Rubbing an Elbow Salute against another's Elbow Salute in a frienldy, repectful way, like a good ol' hand shake.

-ELBOW SALUTE: An Elbow lifting an elbow in reverent greeting or un-greeting of a Fellow Elbow (right or left elbow, NOT both; see "Double Elbow Salute" above). It would be considered impolite to not give the ELbow Salute to another Elbow, even off of the Elbow Joint premisis.

-ELBOW-TO-ELBOW: A lot of Elbows in one place.

-ELBOW UNION: Non-disorganized Elbows.

-FELLOW ELBOW: Another signed Elbow.

-FOUNDING FATHERS: Fert HGE-6, Ike GE-3, Popcorn GE-2, Wally GE-5, 1991. Several helpers, but especially Rando!

-GRAND PARTY: Another excuse to meet at the Elbow Jont every time the roster turns anohter GRAND, 1,000 moe members.

-HALF WAY TO THE HOLIDAYS PARTY: A meeting of old 1970's Happy Hour Bar patrons, GBWC members, Elbows, and other leftover has-beens.  Always half way to the hoidays, about the second Sat. in December.

-HGE: An Honorary Grand Elbow.  As of 2015, 2013 there are only 4.  See the Grand Elbows link for their names.  

-HOORAY-FOR: A multi-purpose unofficial song sung to a Fellow Elbow for either insulting said Elbow for doing a dumb thing, or else singing praise for being a great Elbow.  The lyrics cannot be posted on a public website, me thinks.  The best wasy to hear the song is to go down to the well and spill a drink...sorry Shep.

-LOE CARD: Wallet-sized, numbered card issued to all new Elbows at sign-up. You are encouraged to carry it with you at all times, and be able to recite you number when asked.

-MELLOW ELBOW: By definition, all Elbows are Mellow Elbows.

-ORIGINAL ROSTER: The original sign-up sheet of the LOE (see Roster, then sub-link Original Roster link to the left).

-PAST GE: Any former/non-current Grand Elbow.  This term used to be called XGE.

-SAE: A Special Act of Elbow.  A special decree by the XGE's, modifying or adding to the current Bylaws, such as the announcement of an HGE.

-SIGNED ELBOW: Same as an Elbow.  The ONLY Elbow is a Signed Elbow, signed up by another Elbow, and ONLY at the Elbow Joint.  See Elbow.

-SIGN-UP SHEET:  A sheet of paper you sign on when you are at the Elbow Joint, signifying your appearance that day, and registering you for any prizes.  See separate page called the Elbow Joint.  You'll find this sheet on the Elbow Rest.

-UNOFFICIAL STAMP: A rubber stamp stating "GE Approved", designed to be used when the GE is not present, which stamps a new Elbow's elbow to make it unofficial. This is used kind of like a GE-proxy, so that any Elbow can sign up a new member.

-XGE: Any former/non-current Grand Elbow.  This elbowology has somewhat been changed to FGE, as in Former GE, but the old XGE term kind of sticks.  FGE doesn't sound as good as XGE, IMHO.  UPDATE: 

This term has been changed to PAST GE.  Changed about 2015.


-Fert, 2012 or so, UPDATED: 10/2/2017



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