Loyal Order of Elbows
The Elbow Joint...a bit about where a lot of Elbows hang out.
The current Elbow Joint is Shep's On Sixth in downtown Brainerd.
Please send in your photos for inclusion here.

All Elbows should
sign in!
The first thing you'll want to do when you enter the Elbow Joint is to sign the Sign Up Sheet. This will let all Elbows know you were there, and enter you in a drawing to win the prize of the day. You'll find this on the Official Elbow Rest, and there is one in each of the 2 bars.

Only at the Elbow Joint!
There are plenty of activities out on the back patio, including winter sports, ping pong and bean bag games. And, there is a HEATED smoking hut! Way!

There are plenty of games for the children, too!
Send in your Koozie Club photos! This is where you can send in your pics of an Elbow, most likely giving the Elbow Salute, with an LOE beer hugger in hand. These pictures, from all around the world, are posted on the Elbow picture frame in the bar.
Hey, Shep, can you figure out how to stream this to the internet???
[I am in need of a GOOD photo of the koozie.]
Breaking Elbow News!!!
As of Sept. 5, Shep's will offer DJ music every Friday and Saturday nights, in the "old bar" on the north side! This bar has long been named
The Elbow Room, so come on down asnd see it for yourself and rub some Elbows.
Shep's on 6th, review:
Brainerd, MN
Bars and Pubs, Alcoholic Beverages, All Bars, Pubs, & Clubs
Review Date: 08/14/2006
Be an Elbow!: The Loyal Order of Elbows is the unofficial club to join at Shep's. Being an Elbow Member is fun, free and has lots of 'perks'! From free drinks, to camaraderie, the benefits are endless. You can even run for Grand Elbow!
Members are encouraged to lift an elbow in the "Elbow Salute" when entering and leaving the bar, this being shorthand for "hello", "goodbye" and "good to see you!" (among other friendly greetings). But, don't lift both of them! That privilege is reserved only for Grand Elbows and Former Grand Elbows. Anyone else seen giving the 'double elbow salute' will be required to buy the bar a round!
Elbow members are issued an unofficial official membership card with their personal Elbow Number (we're well over 12,000!) as well as a genuine Shep's on Sixth Pen. Remember that number, kids, because if you can recite it to the bartender, he or she may give you a free drink! Elbow members are also encouraged to sign in whenever they frequent the place, as a number is drawn each and every night for another great prize!
Being an Elbow truly makes you 'one of the cool kids'.
Another great sporting event at The Elbow Joint...the annual spring Downtown Golf Spring Open!