Loyal Order of Elbows
"6:00 Bob" Danzl...where it all started!
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GE 1

Bob in Elbow Heaven, giving the original Double Elbow.
This would be a very typical Bob "giggle"!

Full story on the successful event to follow!

More to come!
On the way!
TELL US A LITTLE ABOUT HOW YOU KNEW BOB: Speaking as the Webmaster of this site, I knew Bob since about 1970. He was always the friendly sort; the type that would always listen, and tell that dopey joke. Most often it was his giggling at his own joke that made ME laugh! Bob was the inspiration behind a weird group of friends called the Loyal Order of Elbows, now (2005) 11,000 + strong, and his memory is what keeps it going. He was also it's first member, and first Grand Elbow (hence GE 1). "It's 6:00, Bob!" -Carl Faust |
This section will include all newspaper articles that I can find relating to the Danzl tournament. If you know of any I missed, please alert me to it and I'll get it posted.
Click on to the sub-pages at the left for each article.
From the Brainerd Daily Dispatch, Online:
Danzl golf tournament Sunday
The first Bob Danzl Scholarship Golf Classic is scheduled Sunday at Pine Meadows at Brainerd. Entry fee is $100 per person for the 4-person best ball event. Registration begins at 8 a.m. The tournament starts at 11 a.m. Awards ceremony and barbecue follow the tournament. Information is available by calling Tim Haglin at 829-1491, Steve Shepherd at 829-4835 or Dan Faust at 828-8117.
From the Brainerd Daily Dispatch:
Web posted Saturday, September 25, 1999
Much obliged
Golf tournament a success The First Bob Danzl G.E. 1 Scholarship Golf Classic was a huge success. The event, held Sept. 12 at Pine Meadows Country Club in Brainerd, was a hit due to the numerous companies and individuals who helped by donations of prizes, money and their time. A special thank you to Thelen Heating and Roofing and Shep's on 6th. Bob Danzl, who was a great friend to many, passed away last spring. In his honor, the Grand Elbows of Shep's on 6th organized this golf tournament to raise scholarship money for a second year mechanical drafting trade student at Central Lakes College. The first tournament raised $12,500. The tentative date for next year's Bob Danzl Golf Classic is Sept. 10, 2000.
Below is an article taken from the Brainerd Daily Dispatch, via their website:
Web posted Saturday, August 19, 2000
Danzl G.E. Scholarship golf tournament
benefits Central Lakes College students.
By STEVE WALLER, CLC Public Information Specialist.
A memorial golf tournament Sept. 10 in Brainerd could repeat as one of the single best efforts to help a Central Lakes College student succeed. The Bob Danzl G.E. Scholarship Classic at Pine Meadows last year raised $10,000 for an endowed scholarship that gave Theodore "T.J." Berg of Dayton $500 toward his studies in mechanical drafting and design. Berg, who carries a 3.71 grade-point average into his second year of the skilled trades program on the Staples campus, was every bit as grateful for the aid as his parents. "They all wrote me such nice letters", said LaVonne Danzl, widow of the man who had cherished his vocational education, noting her deceased husband, Bob Danzl, spent more than 40 years helping the late John Thelen build a successful heating and roofing business in Brainerd. "Bob was very generous to anyone who needed help," she said. "So, this is so wonderful to see so many volunteers, friends and business associates do the same in his memory." The scholarship fund could double, according to indications of an increase in registrations to compete in the four-person, best-ball scramble. Nearly 30 teams have registered, and more are anticipated by the Aug. 25 deadline. Even those who don't golf play a big part in this fund-raiser. Top prizes awarded to those with the lucky numbers include airfare from Traveler's Fare and a one-week stay at a Florida beach condo for two from Wayne and Joan Gutzman, a Shoreland'r utility trailer from Brainerd Recreational Supply, a year of weekly family meals at Taco John's, $400 gift certificates from Bob & Fran's Factory Direct, JC Penney and Fifth Avenue Furniture, and a $200 gift certificate from Home Depot. For the raffle prizes, winners needn't be present to win. Volunteer organizers on the Year 2000 Committee are Kim Wear, chair; Ed Isackson; Tom Rohr; Randy Rinke; Bob Wise; Dan Faust, who is Web master for the event; Dave Kordell; Steve Shepherd; and Tim Haglin. "Bob Danzl had a special way of giving to friends, co-workers, and to his community," said Faust. "I knew Bob since 1970. He was the type who would always listen and tell a joke. Most often it was his giggling at his own joke that made me laugh." Danzl was the inspiration for a "weird group of friends," said Faust. The Loyal Order of Elbows, now with more than 7,000 members, originated at Shep's on 6th with its charter member, Danzl, as the first G.E. or Grand Elbow. Each golfer receives a Bob Danzl golf shirt and a meal after the tournament when the awards are presented. The shotgun start at 11 a.m. will send teams out for additional contests on the course. Companies sponsoring individual holes receive an 18 x24 logo sign. The Danzl family, including Cheryl, Maureen, Paula, Lisa and Jane who have attended Central Lakes College, "could not be more appreciative for the tribute," said LaVonne Danzl. "It is great to help someone studying in the trades. Bob got his start and made a good living with it." The family also has a CLC scholarship in the name of the late Mark "Shorty" Danzl, who along with his wife Jane of Little Falls had also been a student at the college prior to his untimely death. To register or in any way assist, contact any of the following: Tim Haglin at 829-1491, Steve Shepherd at 829-4835, Tom Rohr at 829-8636 or Kim Wear at 829-2853.
(Scholarship Thanks):
From the 2001 Scholarship recipient:
Dear Robert Danzl Memorial:
I appreciate the scholarship I have received, and it will help with my college tuition and books. I am majoring in Mechanical Drafting and Design. I have currently received a internship at camp Ripley for the summer. This will benefit me a lot as will the scholarship I've received from you. It will be put to good use and, I am grateful for it. These days it's so hard to go to school full time and try to work to pay for it, so when theirs people like you out there, it makes it that much better. Thank you,
Sincerely Nicholas Christensen
Dateline 11/29/2018:
No doubt, Bob is just a gigglin!
6 O'Clock Whiskey Release at Headframe Spirits:
In Montana, we often find ourselves bumping elbows with other hardworking business owners who have a passion for purpose and a taste for cold drinks. We had the pleasure of collaborating with Todd Scott from Bozeman Brewing specifically for our 6 O’Clock Whiskey. As Headframe Spirits’ tradition goes, all our products are named after mines, and the “6 O’Clock Mine” reminded Todd of his father-in-law.
Todd’s father-in-law, Bob, was a hardworking man who liked to have a drink or two after a long days work and enjoyed a short visit to the local watering hole before heading home. He concocted a story to allow himself an easy exit from the bar flies saying if he wasn’t home by 6 o’clock his wife would burn supper.
Bob and Todd, we raise a glass to you both.
Join us in Headframe Spirits' Tasting Room for appetizers at 5:30pm and a toast at 6 o'clock for the "6 O'Clock Whiskey" release with Bozeman Brewing. We will be serving featured cocktails using the 6 O'Clock Whiskey.
The 6 O'Clock Whiskey is 100% distilled and bottled by Headframe Spirits using the fantastic Bozone Amber Ale by Bozeman Brewing. Aged in used Neversweat Bourbon Whiskey barrels for 2 years.
This limited release whiskey will be sold in the Tasting Room and select liquor stores in Butte and Bozeman only. Only 200 bottles will be available for sale between the stores and tasting room.
If you can not make it to Butte, we will also be co-hosting a release event in Bozeman on August 3rd at Montana Ale Works at 5:30pm.
A portion of proceeds from the sale of the 6 O'Clock Whiskey will go to the Montana Wildlife Federation.
For more information about either event, please email sales@headframespirits.com or call 406-299-2886 ext. 110.