Loyal Order of Elbows

Grand Elbows and
Elbow Convention news here!!!
The 2024 Elbow Convention will be on August 22 & 23, 2025.
UPDATE, 8/26/2024: The new GE is 1G.
2024 Elbow Convention...PHOTOS, click below!
2022/8/28: Find photos and vids on the red button link below!
Below that link, photos from Shep were added Monday, 8/29/2022.
Editor's note of note: On Saturday night, Shep's son, Cody Shepherd, has been honored by an SAE, Special Act of Elbows, to be an
Honorary Grand Elbow! He will be known as HGE 31 1/2.
Grand Elbows:
As of Aug. 26, 2023, there are 32 GEs and 5 Honorary GEs. The 5 Honorary GEs (HGEs), were determined by the XGEs and authorized by a Special Act of Elbow (SAE).(See editor's note above.)
So you see, there are 5 LOE SAE HGEs;
pretty simple:
* departed
GRAND ELBOWS, timeline:
NOTICE, 2/22/2023: I know I have some of the nicknames on this list incorrect. In this motley group, the lines get blurred between real names and nicknames! If you see an error, please contact the webmaster.
REMEMBER: There is NO "voting." All GEs are selected by Power of Suggestion to the current GE...ONLY!
1) 1991 GE 1: Bob "6:00 Bob" Danzl (RIP)* 1999
2) 1992 GE 2: Ed "Ike" Isackson
3) 1993 GE 3: Tom "Popcorn" Rohr (RIP)* 2012
4) 1994 GE 4: Randy "Rando" Rinke
5) 1995 GE 5: Bob "Wally" Wise
6) 1996 GE 6: Dan "Pudley" Faust
7) 1997 GE 7: Rodney "Cudman" Milloch (SP?)
8) 1998 GE 8: Dave "Doc" Kordel
9) 1999 GE 9: Kim "Stella" Wear (The FIRST female GE...gee!)
10) 2000 GE 10: Shawn "SOB" O'Brien
(2000?: Installed Honorary GE [HGE] 10 ½: "Ma Danzl." (This likely happened shortly after Bob died.) (RIP)* 11/6/2022
11) 2001 GE 11: "Heiner" Heiner (RIP)* 2018
12) 2002 GE 12: "Butch" Koering
13) 2003 GE 13: "Juggy"
(2003 installed Honorary GE [HGE] 13 1/2: Steve "Shep" Shepherd.)
14) 2004 GE 14: "Sharpie" Pete Charpentier
15) 2005 GE 15: "G-Man" Satre
16) 2006 GE 16: "Amber Alert"
17) 2007: GE 17: "Queen Bee"
(2007 installed Honorary GE [HGE] 17 1/2: “Fert”, LOE #6)
18) 2008 GE 18: "B-Line"
19) 2009 GE 19: "Cranderson"
20) 2010 GE 20: "K.C."
21) 2011 GE 21: "Clough McDouble"
22) 2012 GE 22: "Zack Attack"
23) 2013 GE 23: "D.F.B", GE24)
(2014 installed Honorary GE [HGE] 23 1/2: Tyrone Babineau.)
24) 2014 GE 24: Mark “Marky Mark” Myhre
25) 2015 GE 25: "Twobits" Caleb Hall (nickname yet unofficial)
26) 2016 GE 26: Ashley Storm. Do we have a nickname here?
27) 2017 GE 27: Becky Stock
28) 2018 GE 28: Karl Magnuson, "Red".
29) 2019 GE 29: Josh Sachs.
[2020 Convention canceled due to Covid-19.]
30) 2021 GE 30: Nick Weeks.
31) 2022 GE 31: Tim Thorson.
(2022 installed Honorary GE [HGE] 31 1/2:
Cody Shepherd.)
32) 2023 GE 32: Erin Thiesse.
33) 2024 GE 33: 1G (No other name has been found for the GE.)
34) 2025: Whoopdedoo, this could be you!!! Start campaigning today! This will be a BIG year. -Fert, LOE #6, UPDATED:11/23/2024
*Fallen Grand Elbows, R.I.P:
1991 GE 1: Bob "6:00 Bob" Danzl, d. 1999:

1993 GE 3: Tom "Popcorn" Rohr, d.2012:

2001 GE 11: "Heiner" Heinlen, d. 2018

2000 Honorary GE [HGE] 10 ½: "Ma Danzl," d. 2022

2013/12/16: GE 6 has written in to suggest we should list and define the gathering of Grand Elbows. This is a good idea, as there are so many GEs now they are hard to keep track of.
4 = minor cluster
5 = cluster
6 = major cluster
7 = royal cluster
8 = ultimate cluster
9 = extreme cluster
10 or above = Grand Cluster
2 or 3 GEs in a group must be too common to define. I assume ALL living GEs in one place at a time would be a GE Cluster Bomb.
Just what does a Grand Elbow do???
Wow, this is a loaded question, posed by Honorary Grand Elbow (HGE) Ma Danzl on Tues., Aug. 19, 2014, at the 2014 Prospective GE Meet & Greet at Shep’s in the Elbow Room. Nobody seemed to have a good answer for it, so I’ll take a stab. Feel free to chime in!
The primary function of a Grand Elbow (GE) is of course to promote Elbowdumb.
This goes for the current and all past GEs (known as XGEs).
-During the reign of the GE, he/she should strive to:
---Oversee all Elbows.
---Sign up as many Elbows as he can!
---Participate in as many Elbow functions as possible, such as the Elbow Convention and the St. Patty’s Day Parade.
---Encourage participation amongst all Elbows in Elbow functions.
---Consider and act on any changes that might help promote and maintain Elbowdumb.
---See to it that the elite honor of giving the Double Elbow is reserved for GE’s only! This rule must be maintained worldwide, maybe even Mars.
---Promote Elbowdumb and the Elbow Joint as a FRIENDLY, safe way and place to meet and make new friends, and help maintain this FRIENDLY atmosphere.
XGEs are expected to be on hand to help guide and facilitate the above at all times. At times of any proposed change, the XGEs may be called upon for help and guidance to the GE, and may be asked to vote on an issue.
-Fert, 8/23/2014
2018 Meet & Greet the candidates, GE photo shoot: