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There is a LOT of interest in Brainerd's school system lately, especially since we now have a Brainerd Public School Archives! It was much needed and is so well received by the public. If you have old class photos, public or private schools, or grad pictures, or sports images, feel free to send them in.


First School

Brainerd's First School, non-public, ...just no photos that we know of.  This marker on the left is now on the location of this school, and just behind the fire department. The upper marker was made for the 1971 Centennial Celebration but was never installed...until 2022. The lower one was made in that year and offers much more history of the site with some photos. Check it out!


Class Photos

St. Francis, 1963-1964.

1958 ca.-Gerry & John.jpg


1958 Washington High School, Gerry & John Faust. They are my older brothers. Can you spot them?

YEARBOOKS, publications, articles:

HERE IT IS, IMHO, the  BEST darn photo ever taken in the high school...period! I  doubt it will ever, or COULD be attempted again. I was there, and never laughed so hard. We were in true disbelief. Photo courtesy of the Brainerd Public School Archives, 1967 yearbook. Were you there in 1967? Besides teachers Merv Jensen and Bob Miller on the Triumph (Merv's?), who do you recognize?

-It may be Randy Luhrs with the glasses 3rd behind Bob, and maybe Mike
O'Leary 2 behind him. Who is the gal with the huge smile, and clapping hands?

If you are on Facebook, find the great 2018 ongoing discussion thread by John Erickson, Brainerd Public School Archives archivist, on this topic here, where some of my questions have already been answered. Not on Facebook? Click the "THREAD as of 12/2/2023" link for a PDF:


1967-motor cycle-Merv Jensen, Bob Miller.jpg

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