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So who is..."US"?
Lousy grammar, but a hard one to define, since this website is merely a collection of the hard work done by many, many people!  This all started over 125 years ago when the first newspaper started...our first historical record, then a few books were written. But just in the last few years history has been on the move here in Brainerd at a fast pace.  Here we'll try to list some of the folks or groups that have been, and are NOW involved in uncovering this exciting Brainerd history.  I'm sure I have missed someone, so please help me out.  I have taken the liberty to include names, so if you prefer to NOT be listed, just give me a holler.  And if I decribed your work inaccurately, let me know.  This work is truly is a lot of work, but those listed below probably don't see it as such, rather as a labor of love.
Carl Zapffe ("Sr.")

Brainerd 75, 1946.  This has stood as the "Brainerd bible" for all these years.  It is packed full of facts and figures about the town, much of it taken from older publications and historical records.  Lots of lists of officials, population, mayors, ore shipments, board presidents, attorneys, judges, churches and more.  I MAY have one of these available to sell, and it MAY be signed by the author.  Contact me for more info. 


UPDATE, 4/27/2018: Check the Research Page for a digitized version of this book, an original insert  Book Review, and now a large file copy of an original Book COVER, so you can print your own!

Pete Humphrey

Pete was my old scoutmaster WAY back when.  He had a great relationship with our neighbors, the Ojibwe.  There is a whole room and display dedicated to his work at the Central Lakes College.

Carl Faust

Me, your humble webmaster of this DIY website.  I most enjoy getting out in to the field...sometimes literally, and finding physical things.  Just point me in the right direction, and I'll go trompin'!  I grew up here, on the good ol' north side.

Carl Andrew Zapffe ("Jr.")-[not technically a Junior]

Local historian, and author of numerous books on Brainerd, such as Oldtimers, Oldtimers 2 and Indian Days.  I MAY have a copy of Oldtimers  1 & 2 available for sale.  Contact me for more info.



Co-founder of the Paulbunyanland Cultural-Historical Society, and is currently writing a book on the logging railroads of Minnesota.  "I am an independent historical investigator and Brainerd historian, and I utilize genealogy tools during my research. My projects include Crow Wing and Cass County logging railroad research and manuscript with Archaeologist Douglas A. Birk of Pine River, researching and writing a manuscript on the tragic events of the disappearance of Ellen McArthur and the Blueberry War of Brainerd, and identifying human remains that are found when there are disturbed undocumented graves with Forensic Anthropologist Dr. Susan Myster of Hamline University".   Find more here:

Ann M. Nelson

Thousands of hours transcribing text to digital form, then organizing it to themed compilations...literally "re-writing" the e-book on Brainerd!  See it all as it evolves on the Crow Wing County Historical Society's website!Look for the Special Features section here:  

John Van Essen

Scanning and digitizing old newsdpapers, as seen on the City site.  See the research page.  Webmaster of the Crow Wing County Historical Society and the Evergreen Cemetery websites.  John is on the right.

Julie Jo Larson:
Little did we know that Julie Jo has been touring and researching old buildings for
ghosts and legends for years!  She is a writer that has several published stories on Brainerd history.  List and photo to follow. 
​The amazing crew at The Museum!!!

We need a photo of the hard-working crew at the

Crow Wing County Historical Society!  Be sure to check out their new 2013 book, Images of America-Brainerd!

Andy Walsh

-Andy Walsh: Local resident and 2015 Facebook phenomenon, who starts a page on "Share history and stories about Brainerd Lakes Area".  This page exploded to over 4,000 members in under a month!  This is a great place to find out fun facts about the area, AND post queries.  Where else can you ask a question of SO many people all interested in the same thing?  UPDATE, 2016: 6,917 members!  10/2017,  8,778 members!


See MORE on the separate page called Facebook Memories!

-Pam Nelson (and now in 2018 the new director Hillary Swanson) and the staff at the Crow Wing County Historical Society:  Countless research from the folks here.  You won't believe this museum.  3 floors and all handicapped accessible!
We cannot forget the VOLUNTEERS at the museum!  A special mention for 2018 goes to Brian Marsh.  He is the one on their website you see sitting at the microfilm machine.  Since Andy's Facebook page has gotten to be a regular research tool, he is poring through countless archives looking for facts and photos, and posting them regularly for all to enjoy. Thanks for doing this, Brian!  A bit about his work there: 
"I’ve been a lover of history since I was a young child. I came to Brainerd in October, 2011. In January, 2012, I became a volunteer at the Crow Wing County Historical Society museum in Brainerd. My primary duty there is to conduct historical research of a county or genealogical nature to answer questions that the public wants to know more about. I’ve learned a lot about Brainerd and the county since I came here, and I enjoy being able to share it."
Jolene Bradley and the staff at the Brainerd Public Library:  Grant for the 2012 Brainerd History Walk booklets, checkable at the library, or now downloadable online!  Formed the first Railroad Roundhouse Symposium, in 2012.  Spearheaded the 2015 & 2016 Brainerd Public Library's Photo Scanning Projects, resulting in several thousand scanned Jolene-photos, and 2 hard-bound checkable books!  2017, developed the awesome Then & Now project, yielding 40 photos placed on light poles all around downtown Brainerd.  Go take a look!
-Andrew Hook: Early Brainerd History Walk work, 2008.
-Shawn Strong at the City GIS Dept.: Scanning maps, placing GOBS of stuff on the City site for us!
-Mark Ostgarden:  Brainerd City  Planner, spearheading the successful grant for 4 trail markers for the new Buffalo Hills Trail, which he also secured funding for, and was completed in the fall of 2013.  This has led to 3 more similar markers.   Let's hope the trend continues!
Who are we missing...please let us know!

I was lucky enough to grow up in Brainerd...well, I got here when I was 4!  My Dad came in 1955 from Des Moines and bought out the Jens Anderson & Sons Grain Belt Beer distributorship.  Grain Belt is kind of in my blood...really.  Click that and you'll see what I mean.

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