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...and videos!

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From time to time, new...old photos just turn up.  Some come tucked within the pages of books, others come from residents who found them in a relative's belongings, perhaps sitting in a dresser drawer for decades.


BELOW: 1896 William Jennings Bryan campaign stop in Brainerd

​I found this inside of a book I ordered online.  The back reads "​Wm. J. Bryan's special train at Brainerd-1896".  Stamp: Wayne C. Olsen, 140 W Kent Road, Duluth, Minnesota 55812

BELOW: Laurel St. Bridge

I found this embedded in the pages of a 1946 Carl Zapffe Sr. book I bought online.  It indicated it is theLaruel St. Bridge, but I am not sure.  Reverse on the right.   Anybody...Beuler?


Little by little old film video is being converted to digital, and a lot of it winds up on YOUTUBE. As I find it, I'll plop it here.


2016/8/24: Thanks to Randy Powers for sharing and posting to YouTube this great 1989 "ancient" vid! The video was done by Randy's brother Alan Powers.  It was a view as he was coming into town from Hwy. 25 north of Brainerd from the Merrifield area.






Here is a dandy from the Ed Tom O'Brien family. Thanks to Ed Prozinski for sharing it on Andy's Facebook page, 6/20/2020:  



Do you know how they say a picture is worth a thousand words? Look what one photo found!
Now enjoy this video that was made by a collaboration of sources, nicely rounded up by your local Brainerd Public Library!

2022/4/15: Frank McCarthy videos, digitized by his son John. Frank was a long-time Brainerd area Minnesota State Patrolman, and an avid home video buff!

1968 when Hubert Humphrey was in Brainerd – running for President


1968 color video of the Brainerd Train Depot being demolished


1964 video of the Brainerd Theater burning down (Baer Building)



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